A Song of Ice and Fire is filled with tall stories, myths and world religions. It’s a fantasy universe, just like the Norse Mythology. Norse stories and fables also exist in Norse history. Norse mysticism and ASOIF are a perfect match. The parallels cannot be a coincidence. A few of these parallels include the events leading up to and during Ragnarok — a story about the end, which is compared with the long winters that are approaching Westeros.

Fimbulvetr, a “long” winter that will last for three years, is the first thing to happen before Ragnarok. This is a nice parallel to the ominous slogan repeated throughout ASOIF, “Winter will come.” The phrase is the motto of House Stark. An ancient house renowned for its indistinguishable loyalty, unwavering honor and comfort with cold. In ASOIF a mysterious White Walker called the Nightking, an ice-like being, leads a zombified army of Wights and other beings of similar nature. Fimbulvetr would consider this brief summary of ASOIF prophesied events to be almost plagiarism. According to this story, after the great war and battle the jotnar will join together, unite, and finally slay gods. The White Walkers are also responsible for bringing endless winters. But they both have death as their main motivation. White Walkers, and jotnar are driven by their insatiable desire to kill and destroy. White Walkers are out to kill all living things, including humans.

Secondly, Bloodraven is similar to the trickster God Loki in terms of both actions and character traits. Bloodraven’s “warg” status in the ASOIF universe means he can enter animals’ minds, see their eyes, and even control their behavior. He is able to “see” the entire Westeros through a system of trees known as weirwoods. He “wargs”, or transforms into, crows and wolves. Loki is frequently described in runes of ancient Norse as the father “wargs”, or “monstrous beasts”, because of Fenrir. Loki also is a known shapeshifter. He can turn into wolves, birds, and many other animals. Bloodraven and Loki are both shapeshifters and “wargs”, who can use animals to their advantage. Both Bloodraven & Loki have mysterious origins, and both are known as bastards. Bloodraven arose from King Aegon Targaryen’s unwed affair with Melissa Blackwood. Loki was a result of the union between a Farbauti jotunn and Laufey, a figure. Aerion Targaryen’s death was blamed on Loki because of his birth, which included a giant Bloodraven.


  • wyattrobinson

    I am a 33-year-old educational blogger. I have a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I have been blogging since 2010, and I love it! My blog is all about homeschooling and educating kids in a fun, hands-on way.