Though they might seem hard to come by at first glance, there are plenty of illustrations that you can use. Illustration essays provide guidance and illumination. There are so many issues, situations, and subjects in the world that you need to know how to illustrate. It can be overwhelming! Teachers often assign illustrations essays to students to test their ability to understand complex subjects and shed light on the details. Teachers will often assign illustration essays to test your ability to write well and explain complex topics. Remember that you should use clear and vivid language when writing this type or composition. This is your goal: to make the reader see the subject in a clear and vivid way. This article will give you a good idea of what illustration essay topics are best for your next assignment.

Illustration Essay

Illustration essays show your ability shed light on a topic. Although the topic may seem simple or obvious, you must create vivid pictures so your reader has a better understanding of how things work, how they can be repaired, what it takes to become something, and other details. The illustration essay’s name comes from its ability to make understanding so strong that the reader can draw or take a photo of everything you write. This essay uses examples to “illustrate” concepts and ideas. This type of writing is often called an “exemplification essay” by teachers. Another term is “descriptive essays”. These essays share a common thread: they are all based on a coherent understanding through clear, concise explanations and depictions.

Illustration Essay Topics

The task is half done if you have an interesting topic to illustrate. It is important to choose a topic that you are able to explain and describe. The best topic is one you are passionate about and are eager to learn more about. It is often necessary to research in order to write a strong essay. This will make it more enjoyable. A “good” topic is one you are familiar with and confident in explaining. Sometimes this will require less research in order to write an essay. Sometimes you have no choice in the matter. You can just trust the process and pray for the best. You never know, you might find yourself forced to look into something that you enjoy.

Top Topics
– Describe what constitutes a sincere excuse.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of being parent.
– Explain your civic duty
Describe the best gift you can give to your health.
Describe a specific American tradition and its significance.
– Provide suggestions on how to improve communication skills.
Describe the changes in society over the past 50 years.
– Please describe how society hasn’t improved in the past 50 years.
Describe the root cause of fear about death in an individual.
– Give reasons why people don’t love cemeteries.
– Discuss the persistence of old-fashioned rituals and give reasons.
– Give examples of modern rituals in the 21stcentury.
– Tell us how the ancients discovered that the earth wasn’t flat.
Discuss the importance to have a guardian or parent.
– Describe the common pitfalls for children who self-parent too often.
Describe why quiet restaurants are so expensive.

Topics that are easy
Describe how you can stay neat and organized.
– How to make a delicious cake with a mix.
– Show how to constructively argue with someone you love.
– How to choose a pet to adopt from a shelter.
Describe the differences between caring for a pet and caring for someone.
Discuss how to find the perfect gift for someone’s birthday.
– How to win a job interview.
Talk about how traveling expands your view of the world.
– Discuss the benefits of trying out new things.
– Share one lesson from U.S. or world history.
Describe what it means to be a friend.
– Discuss how to be a friend to someone else.
Describe your hobbies or other activities that you would like to improve.
Describe the characteristics of a good boyfriend/girlfriend.
– Explain how you can forgive your parents and anyone who has hurt you.
– Learn how to let the past go.
– How to heal your emotional wounds.
– Explain the importance of having mentors.
Describe the importance and benefits of having an imagination.
– Talk about what your fears can teach you.
– Explain why having friends of different political views is important.
Describe America’s history of racism.
Describe today’s aftershocks from slavery.

College Topics
– Describe how to prepare mentally and physically for college life.
Discuss the advantages of having a challenging or mean professor.
– Tell your roommate how you get along.
– Talk about proper etiquette when dining in public.
Describe how academic obligations can be managed to ensure success.
Discuss the best way to choose a major.
Describe the steps to obtain a summer internship.
Explain to students the importance and necessity of having a budget.
– How to avoid the “freshmen 15” scandal when you start college.
Describe your strategy for managing your reputation in school when you are studying in another part.
– Please describe the best ways to keep in touch high school friends.
– Discuss a specific college ritual and its significance.
– Give tips on how to make friends during university.
Describe the steps to get counselling or mental health support at a university.
– Give a description of the college’s reputation, and where it came about.
Discuss how to handle toxic or annoying people in school.
– Explain why some people find it easier to write a paper late than others.
– Give three tips to help students stay safe on campus, especially if they are walking alone at night.
– Provide three main safety tips for college students.

Athletic Subjects
Describe the career path for someone who is naturally athletic.
Describe the process by which a football team can reach the Super Bowl.
– Discuss the cognitive risks associated with a long-term football career.
– Give reasons for female athletics’ underfunding.
Describe the effects of sports on toxic masculinity
Describe how sport can increase your self-esteem.
Discuss the inequalities between academics and athletic programs at schools.
– Explain why professional athletes dope and how to prevent it.
– Please explain why it is important to include children in sports early.
Discuss some of your “life lessons” from playing sports.
– Discuss the Penn State Scandal’s lessons about the primacy and importance of sports.
Describe how Jerry Sandusky’s crimes were possible.
Describe how Lance Armstrong’s crimes were possible.
Describe the challenges Serena Williams faced.

These are some of the most interesting topics
– How to spot a lie in a person
– How to tell if someone is having a crush on your.
– Describe the signs that someone emits when they don’t love you.
Describe the mindset and motivations of serial killers.
Describe the psychopath’s psychology.
– Explain the science behind addiction.
– Discuss the connections between math and music.
– Describe how genius can be classified into three categories: artistic, mathematical, or invention.
– Describe why people sometimes cry when they are happy.
– Discuss the psychology behind crime.
– Explain the motivations behind extravagant weddings.
Explain the motivations behind flashy, big cars.
– Describe why people believe strange conspiracy theories.
– Explain why life is possible after death.
– Explain why you believe there is no life after death.
Discuss selfish reasons why people have children.
Discuss the selfish reasons people have kids.
Describe what fashion speaks to you.
– Explain why it is important not to judge someone based on what they wear.
Describe the toxic culture in Silicon Valley.
Describe how Silicon Valley’s culture fosters innovation and value.

Fun Topics
Describe ways to make someone feel better.
– How to convince someone about a conspiracy theory.
– Describe why aliens are possible.
– Give reasons why you think it is impossible for aliens to exist.
– Talk about the importance of believing that ghosts exist.
Describe the origins of Bigfoot’s myth.
Describe Bigfoot’s likely existence in one form or another.
Describe Bigfoot and its origins.
– Tell the story of the Loch Ness Monster legend.
Describe the secrets to making the best cheeseburger.
Describe what is the most exciting thing you have done in your town.
Discuss the importance to have silly friends.
– Discuss your favorite urban legend.
– Describe why vegans are required to inform people that they are vegan.
Describe the addictive nature of working out.
Describe how one can lose weight while eating junk food.
Describe the main problems with many diets and their reasons for failure.
– Give reasons why you believe divorce rates are higher than 50%.
– Share your thoughts about monogamy in lifelong relationships and the origins of this idea.

Here are some examples.
Your essay should include examples. Because they help you illustrate, you must include them. They help the reader see your point and give them an “aha!” moment. or “I get it” moment. You should review your essay after you have written it.

Individual Experience: This one is huge. It is possible to draw upon your own life experiences to support your argument. It shouldn’t take too much to see how your life experiences and their memories will influence your perspective. Even though your life may seem dull, you have actually had valuable experiences.

Reflection: For some time, you have been watching life on the planet. You have probably seen some aspects of human behavior and tendencies that society is known to you. It is not possible to live under a rock. Look around a public area like a cafeteria in a mall or lobby of a cinema to help you remember relevant information. You can see how people talk, laugh, and fight. You can draw inspiration from all these interactions between people. You might find inspiration for a topic for your essay.

Reach out: If you are looking for help with your illustration essay, reach out to a mentor, professional or family member. Begin an informal interview by asking questions. You should keep a record of your responses to help you later when you’re writing your essay. Ask them to share any final remarks or thoughts about the subject.

You are lucky to have the media! The media: You are lucky! There is literally an abundance of information available to you, such as news, TedTalkss, TedTalks, vloggers and taped interviews. Standard sources include television, film and books. These sources can inspire you, but you should also cite them all. These examples can be used to strengthen your point.


  • wyattrobinson

    I am a 33-year-old educational blogger. I have a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I have been blogging since 2010, and I love it! My blog is all about homeschooling and educating kids in a fun, hands-on way.